Live programs

As well as the newsletter, each year the DOP works with leading product and technology professionals from top companies including Square, Amazon, Atlassian Netflix and more to help product and tech professionals improve their skills.

Our live learning programs are a blend of live, interactive classes, self study and practical exercises.

Companies our instructors work at
Learn from product people at these world class companies

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Upcoming live programs

This year, admissions are open for the following programs:

💻 Web Technologies Program

The Web Tech program is designed for product managers, UX designers and non-engineering professionals and leaders who want to learn more about the technical aspects of building products so that they can have more confident conversations with engineers.

It’s not a course designed to transform you into a software engineer; instead, it’s designed to help you understand technical concepts so that you feel more confident day to day.

Next program starts September 2024 - final dates TBC.